The multi-stage side channel pumps are designed for applications involving high differential pressure, high temperature, low NPSH conditions or aerated liquids (up to 50% vapor entrainment). Alternative sealing options are available.

Corken SC-Series pumps are a rotary side channel design. They produce a maximum differential head of 1,150 ft (350 m). The side channel pump is offered in six different sizes, each ranging from one to eight stages. This provides for a wide range of pressures and capacities ranging from 1gpm to 185 gpm (3.8–700 L/min). These pumps can handle discharge pressures up to 580 psig (40 bar).

Product Features

  • Radial vane impellers and two outlet openings per stage allow for high vapor content
  • Enclosed centrifugal impeller at pump suction provides improved NPSH capabilities
  • Exceptional in light liquid and liquefied gas transfer
  • Floating Impeller - No metal to metal contact
  • Modular design
  • Smooth continuous flow

Product Options

  • Magnetic Drive
  • Stainless steel construction
  • Double seal option
  • High Temperature options
  • Bronze or steel impellers
  • DIN spec or ANSI drilled flanges


Corken's SC Series pumps have provided solutions for a good number of problematic applications over the past 6 years. The capability of this pump to handle NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) as low as 1 ft coupled with its ability to pump liquids with high vapor content have made it particularly attractive to many of our customers.